Saturday, August 18, 2012

My Vacation Was a Bad Influence

A few eat well and exercise things I learned on vacation.
  • Buffalo meat (which Colorado restaurants seem to have a lot of) is outrageously healthier than beef. So when I had that buffalo burger? Yeah. It was just in an attempt to be healthy (yeah right.) Oh. And for the people that pity the buffalo, buffalos must graze on grass. They're not raised in commercial feedlots like beef. So those buffalo are going to live a MUCH better life than that patty in your Big Mac did. Promise.
This is my buffalo burger. Obviously very "healthy."
  • Oh, how we craved nachos one night. So instead of getting nachos plus two whole meals, my husband and I just shared nachos. Thank God, because we were so stuffed. I think when I go out to dinner with my husband or friends in the future, I'll wait until I've completed the appetizer before I even think about the entree.
  • ...But two days later we were hungry for more than just an appetizer. So we got an appetizer and shared it and a meal and shared it. No overly filled tummies, no leftovers that we had to turn down because we were camping.
  • Exercise didn't happen. I mean, exercise in the form of my usual "wake up, put on your sports bra, do cardio, strengh, and ab stuff for 45 minutes, shower." BUT. We did make sure to do things that kept us active. We went to the Wild Animal Santuary which is a one mile walk on a bridge overlooking animals (like lions, bears, wolves, tigers) that have been rescued from poor situations. So there you go. We walked two miles that day. Not super-strenuous, but we probably would have been drinking beer if we weren't there. Then we went on some hikes which ruined me, but in a good way.
  • Here's a dumb one. Don't go on the max number of brewery tours while on vacation. Beer is so delicious and the beer-making process is so interesting. But dang, does it have a ton of calories and things that make you puff up. But I will probably never learn this lesson and we will probably continue eating mainly at brewpubs when we eat out and going on brewery tours on vacation. I justify it because we are homebrewers. And by "we" I mean "Dan."
  • "Gourmet" crackers are the worst. Might as well just have chips. So I bought a bag of Taco Flavored Doritos because it was the healthier option... While this did happen, I don't encourage it because when you give me a Dorito, I'm gonna want a Pepsi. Basically, the "when you give a mouse a cookie" mentality. We made a feeble attempt at curbing our junk food appetites by eating almonds. ALMONDS ARE GOOD TRAVEL FOOD! Lesson learned.
So we did pretty well I think. I haven't dared to look at the scale and see how many pounds I've gained. I started my regular exercise regimen this morning which peppered with me nearly passing out a few times. Next time we travel, I swear I'll use the hotel gym equiptment. I SWEAR! I'll do jumping jacks outside my tent and we'll actually use our bicycles.

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