Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

I wrote a post a little over a year ago about the health benefits of chia seeds. In short, the have tons of fiber, calcium, and protein and they give you energy. I try to incorporate them into my lunch as often as possible so I can avoid the feeling of exhaustion that comes along with the 2pm hour. And in case you're wondering, it always helps with my energy in the afternoon.

The other day, I was reading a post on Mind Body Green (love this site!) and it mentioned that eating chia seeds before bed can lead to lucid dreaming! Which translates to REM sleep, which means you're going to wake up feeling amazing the next day. And the older I get, the more I believe that a good night's sleep can make everything else fall into place. The website also mentioned making a chia seed pudding and replacing your evening snack with it.


  • 1/4 C dry chia seeds
  • 1 C vanilla almond milk
  • 1-2 T brown sugar (you can omit brown sugar entirely if you don't have much of a sweet tooth)
  • 2 T cocoa powder
  • 1-2 T honey
  1. Mix together chia seeds, brown sugar, and cocoa powder.
  2. Mix in almond milk and make sure to mix thoroughly, so all ingredients are well blended.
  3. Put mixture into fridge and stir every now and then to make sure seeds absorb the moisture.
  4. Leave in fridge for at least two hours (or overnight to eat for breakfast!) and before serving, drizzle with honey to taste.
  5. Enjoy!


  1. Very interesting!! Do the seeds become kind of tapioca-like? And I'm dying to try almond milk. We do not drink dairy milk at all anymore and sometimes I miss a bowl of cereal....

    1. Yes, they are a LOT like tapioca! They still do have a little crunch to them though. They're really neat! Almond milk in my cereal is one of my favorite things. It's soooo good!
