Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sorry, Cynics.

Sorry, cynics, that I shared a lovely few paragraphs about the happenings on Friday. Sorry that you weren't able to see past the picture of Morgan Freeman that was tacked onto the top of it and read the wonderful things written in those paragraphs.

Sorry, cynics, that one of my friends posted a picture of a candle that said something about "keeping the candle burning for the Connecticut victims." Sorry that it "looked like it was made in Microsoft Paint" and was "unoriginal".

Sorry, cynics, that I (along with most of the country) is in a state of mourning right now. Sorry that we "don't show that kind of mourning every day for the children who die in other countries." I'm sorry that this hits so close to home for me. I'm sorry.

Sorry, cynics, that you don't think that Elf on a Shelf is "appropriate" Facebook material, what, "with the current events and all".

Sorry, cynics, that people feel anger and bitterness towards the shooter. Sorry that, though he did have obvious mental health issues, I'm upset about the fact that he did what he did.

Most of all, cynics, I'm sorry that you can't see that you acting pompous isn't helping anyone. I'm sorry that you can't see that you can't figure out that the things people say, the things they post, are things that help them personally handle their grief. I'm sorry that you're too wrapped up in gun control arguments, mental health arguments, and belittling others to see how much all of the rest of us are loving each other more now than ever.

And to everyone else, I'm sorry I went on this rant. And I LOVE YOU. And I'M HERE FOR YOU IF YOU WANT TO TALK. OR CRY. OR LAUGH.

New Year's resolution? To LOVE MORE and be MORE CONSIDERATE.


  1. Good resolution!!!! Also, after reading this I think you may appreciate this.

    1. Thank you for posting that. I TOTALLY appreciate it. :)

  2. Very nicely put. Facebook can be such a fun place or such an ugly, hateful place. I know it does no good for MY state of mind to see so much sad and negative. I'm all for remembering the lost,moving forward with changes to try and prevent but celebrate the life we have today,such as pics of adorable little boys looking out a window. Those things make my heart happy and heal my soul.

    1. Yes. There is much more good on Facebook than bad... Sometimes I just get really upset about the meanness in times like this. If we were NICE, we could fix a LOT of problems...
