When I was a teenager, I had perfect skin.
Perfect. During the time when most of my peers were dealing with blemishes and acne, I didn't have to worry about it. (Sidebar: I had plenty of other awkward things going on, don't you worry.) Now, as an adult, I've had my share of skin troubles. Giant zits, often prominently showing on my chin, by my nose, or between my eyebrows (two brows make a nice frame for a zit!) as well as breakouts. I've tried so many face washes and acne treatments and none of them did anything. The only option was to cover them with foundation, which is fine because I really like makeup. But I have longed for that just-woke-up-and-my-face-is-naked-and-dewy-and-refreshed look for a
long time.
So what did I do? I listened to the advice of friends and Pinterest, and I tried some more natural ways. What do I have to lose, anyway?
The first thing I tried was tea tree oil as a spot treatment for acne. This one's easy. Get a bottle of tea tree oil (they sell it almost everywhere), wash your face, dip a q-tip into the tea tree oil, dab the tea tree oil onto your obnoxious little blemish(es). Done.
The next thing I tried was using raw honey as a face wash. My neighbor had been using it for a couple of weeks and her skin looks
divine. So the proof is in the raw honey, apparently.
More on how to go about washing your face with raw honey (and photo credit) here.
Finally, another friend (who also has an impeccable complexion) steered me in the direction of coconut oil for face washing and moisturizing... She's been using it for a while, but I finally hopped on the coconut oil bandwagon. I know, I know. I'm not on the cusp of the coconut oil trend. It's everywhere. Who knew that coconuts were the miracle cure to everything from hangovers (coconut water has a ton of essential electrolytes!) to teeth whitening (check out
oil pulling! I've done it a few times and have whiter teeth
and I've managed to put a halt to my chronic congestion that I've suffered from for years!).
More detailed description and photo credit here. |
All you do to wash your face with coconut oil is take less than a teaspoon, smear it on your face, put a hot, damp wash cloth over your face for a few seconds to let the pores open up and take in the sweet, island-scented nectar, and wipe clean with the wash cloth. Boom. Done. I promise, if you do one or all of these made-it-in-my-kitchen beauty tricks, you will see a significant difference in your skin. And, added bonus, you will always smell of honey and coconuts!