Friday, June 14, 2013

Abs? When?

I'm in the process of writing a post about the fodder system that we're using to feed our chickens. Something with some substance. Something that might help backyard chicken people far and wide. But right now, I just have a couple questions that I keep thinking in regards to my "getting healthy":

1. Will I ever have Pinterest abs? You know what I'm talking about. If you don't, I'm referring to this:
I don't even expect anything this sculpted... Just. Am I going to lose this baby belly flub ever? EVER?! Granted, it's not super-noticeable in clothing, which is good, but I still know it's there. Will there ever be a day when I don't worry about it because it doesn't exist anymore? Oh, man, I hope so.
2. Why is it so hard to work out in the morning? Why? I just want to be done with it. I'm sitting here procrastinating, dreaming about the moment my workout is finished, so why don't I just hop to it? Because the floor in the living room (my gym) is cluttered with a billion toys and I've still got half a cup of coffee that will be much better now than it will be if I let it sit for 45 minutes. PROCRASTINATOR!
3. Will I ever be the person who looks forward to a workout? I get apprehensive every. Single. Time. Before every walk, before every workout, before every bike ride... I get nervous that it's going to cause me pain (which it does) and it's going to run me into the ground (which it never has). Two minutes in and I'm totally loving it. Immediately following, loving it. All day afterwards, loving it. When will I be the lucky one who looks forward to exercise? Are people being honest when they tell you they look forward to exercise or is that just a way for people to amp themselves up pre-workout?
4. Am I the only person who has a hard time with new workouts because I'm spending too much of my time/energy concentrating on what the instructor is doing? I hate that part of it. I feel like my neck gets more of a workout than the rest of my body because I'm spending so much time craning it, trying to see what the hell they're expecting me to do next. And forget any fancy footwork cardio. FORGET IT. I am incapable of it. I just hop around like a complete dork, thankful that I have the blinds closed. Sometimes, while watching a new workout video, I will just do jump roping and jumping jacks in place of the step, twist, left, twist, right, forward, bla bla bla stuff. I can't do it. I just can't do it!
Okay. Friends, I have vented long enough. I have procrastinated almost long enough. I must do something now. Thank goodness for my blog because it always loves to hear me rant.

1 comment:

  1. So funny, Chelsea! You are doing an awesome job of getting and keeping yourself and your family healthy! Even if you are a procrastinator!!
    As far as the abs go, consider this: is your gorgeous face just like anyone else's face? Does any one else have your beautiful fair? Is any one else built EXACTLY like you? Yet, God made us all as we are, completely different, each with our own stamp of individuality. I always worried about my 'bubble butt'. But then there was a time when I was super skinny and guess what? I STILL had the bubble butt! At that point, I accepted it and now I feel sorry for flat butt people!! Chin up! You're the best!
