Saturday, February 25, 2012

2/25/12. Green.

So this is the picture in our living room. I got the idea from Pinterest. You take an old print and put sticky letters onto it. Then you're supposed to spray paint it white and peel the stickers off. We decided we liked it this way. Mostly because I haven't gotten around to the final two steps yet.

The quote is from the song "Rest of Our Lives" on a Mike Ness album. We both love Social Distortion and a lot of the lyrics in this song we can relate to. Not all of them, as it is with most songs.

Also green: Our walls. We just painted them a few weeks ago and I'm IN LOVE with how serene it makes our living room. Plus, we live in Iowa and there is six inches of snow on the ground right now, so it helps to see a little green.

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