Monday, February 20, 2012

2/20/12. Handwriting.

I FINALLY have started the photo-a-day thing. I've been meaning to for quite a while now. The first photo is of my handwriting.

I really like handwriting. I think that it's fast-becoming a lost art, which is sad. When I was a kid, other kids ostracized me because I was so obsessive about my handwriting. I would get really close to the paper as I was writing and it mezmerized me. Ink or lead flowing onto paper to create these beautiful, yet common designs. Letters. Turned to words. Turned to lists, stories, equasions. To this day, I still have a profound respect for those who have beautiful or unique penmanship. I love putting pen to paper, even with a grocery list. And for the record, I'm not trying to be deep, here. I really do love writing.

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