Wednesday, November 24, 2010

17 days.


Well. I've successfully not smoked a cigarette for 17 days. That is over two weeks. That can be rounded up to one month. It's certainly something that I didn't realize I would be capable of doing.

Being located in Iowa, it's nice to know (considering it's late November and the temperature is below freezing) that I don't have to retreat to the outdoors to puff down a cigarette. I don't have to concern myself with which corner I'll have to hide in this winter when the snows flying during my breaks. NOPE. I'll just stay toasty warm because I have no need whatsoever to go outside.

Okay, so the issue that remains the most difficult about all of this. My throat is still sore. I only feel like my lungs/throat are about 50% recooperated from the damaged condition that I'd thrown them into. I heard numerous times that it would take two weeks for this to clear up. WRONG! It's been over two weeks and the morning hacking continues. I suppose it's better. I don't know. I have noticed that my singing-in-the-car-on-my-commute capabilities have greatly improved.

Something I took notice to earlier today: my fingernails. They are currently two-toned. The top half and the white part that extends from my finger is actually yellow. YEAH. I had no idea. The bottom half is white-ish pink. Like nails are supposed to be. So, there continues to be little things that pop up randomly to remind me that I was clueless of what I was doing to myself until I totally walked away from it.

So I suppose I'm not totally in the clear, yet. I still chew a piece of gum from time to time when I've had a few drinks... Almost.

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