Monday, June 24, 2013

Pinterest Procrastination Mondays...

If you follow me on Pinterest, you might have noticed a pattern. Some early mornings (namely Mondays), I end up pinning a whole LOT of motivational exercise stuff. In fact, the board I pin it to is aptly named "WORK OUT, already!" and I didn't name that for anyone but myself. Because what do I do when I procrastinate? I get on Pinterest. So I figure that board is there to store motivation for me and it's also there to yell at me. Right? Am I crazy? Does this work for anyone but me?

Let me be honest. I have been flipping between writing this post in one tab and Pinteresting in another. And Facebooking in another. Oh. And I have another entire window open with Pinterest tabs, too. I've sat here and worried about my sore shoulders and neck and lower back... Thought about not working out today... I've decided that I'm going to live through this workout. I'm actually probably going to thrive today because of this workout.

FINE. I'll do it. Sometimes you just have to trudge into things, bad attitude and all.

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